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Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over

To keep families safe this Independence Day, law enforcement agencies will have increased enforcement focused on impaired driving during the July 4th holiday period.

Drinking and driving is a bad combination, the consequences are abundantly clear, yet people still make the poor decision to drive after drinking. Please be smart and make this 4th of July holiday a fun and memorable one.

If you are headed to 4th of July parties, designate a sober driver before heading out for the evening. If you are hosting a party, offer nonalcoholic drinks for designated sober drivers and monitor who is drinking. See people leaving who have been drinking? Check how they are getting home. Offer to let them stay the night if a sober driver is not available to take them home. Driving with just a buzz does not cut it. With the rise in ride-share options, there really is no excuse for driving impaired.

The average cost of a DUI arrest is approximately $13,500, accounting for vehicle impound fees, fines, attorney fees, auto insurance hikes and other penalties. Also, prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications and marijuana can all be impairing and land you a DUI, especially in combination with alcohol and/or other drugs.July 

Have You Prepared Your Terminal Facility for the 4th of July Holiday?

It is common for thieves to target truck terminals and truck dealerships over the holidays. Thieves know that holiday weekends are a good opportunity for a successful theft as the possibility exists for no one to be at your facility. Make sure that you take extra precaution to secure the trucks and items of value at your facility. If your units do not have anti-siphon devices or locking caps, instruct the drivers not to fill the units at the end of the day. Make sure that all security alarms and cameras are in working order. Walk the perimeter of the lot to make sure that security fencing is in good condition. Move units and all other material such as pallets, tires, etc. far enough away from the fence so they cannot be used to climb on to get over the fence. Review your security lighting to make sure it is operational and adequate. Lighting can be obstructed by vehicles or trees allowing a thief a place to be unseen. Consider blocking the entrance and exits to the lot so units cannot be stolen. Throughout the three-day weekend assign management personnel to check the terminal randomly. Notify local law enforcement officials of your hours of operation over the holidays so they know when to expect activity at your location. Using a little prevention and common sense can deter a thief from striking your facility and disrupting your business!

Cargo Theft and 4th of July

Noteworthy thefts from previous July 4th holidays

  • $2,000,000 of perfume from Hillsborough Township, New Jersey
  • $439,895 in medical supplies from Davenport, Florida
  • $352,000 of computer electronics from San Francisco, California
  • $328,321 of toys from Trevor, Wisconsin
  • $314,191 of computer electronics from Commerce, California
Cargo Theft

FMCSA Reduces UCR Fees for 2024

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has issued a final rule reducing the Unified Carrier Registration fees for the 2024 registration year by approximately nine percent. The fees for 2024 will be as follows:


Sample ID Heading 1
0-2 $37
3-5 $111
6-20 $221
21-100 $769
101-1,000 $3,670
1,001 and above $35,836

By federal law, the total revenue collected under the UCR Plan is capped; if collections exceed the cap, then the FMCSA must reduce the fees accordingly. Carriers operating in interstate commerce must register and pay the fees to their base state each year.

Operation Safe Driver Week

Operation Safe Driver Week is a safe-driving awareness and outreach initiative aimed at improving the driving behaviors of passenger vehicle drivers and commercial motor vehicle drivers through educational and traffic enforcement strategies and interactions with law enforcement.

The next Operation Safe Driver Week is scheduled for July 9-15, 2023.

Throughout Operation Safe Driver Week, law enforcement personnel will be on the lookout for commercial motor vehicle drivers and passenger vehicle drivers engaging in risky driving. Identified unsafe drivers will be pulled over and issued a citation or warning.

Have a Happy and Safe 4th of July!!!

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